
When the search engines first came on the scene, a lot of emphasis was placed on keywords. Webmasters tried to cash in, used a lot of these keyword tags, and ended up abusing the system. Slowly the search engines started valuing them less. Today keywords are not given as much importance as before but it is advised that you give it some thought while developing your site.

Keywords are still important on a number of fronts. You should write a great list of keywords that describe your business, products or services. You’ll want to include them with your Web site listing, as part of any Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign, and to help you write articles, blog posts, site reviews, press releases and more! It will help keep your messaging on target!

Keyword Search

Implementing the SEO strategies entails a lot of time and hard work. Although there are no shortcuts for many of the steps, some SEO tools can lessen the burden of the webmaster. Many of the SEO tools are available free in the web.  Below are some tools to help you define your keywords for both organic and paid search.

Keyword Tool: Keyword selection is one of the crucial steps in search engine optimization.  A good keyword tool is essential to find the profitable keywords to be used in the contents and also for link building services.  Google Ad words keyword tool assumes prominence as it is offered free of cost.

Indexed Pages Tool: This tool lists the number of pages indexed by the major search engines.

Search Engine Ranking Checker: Checks the position of the site in various search engines for each search term. The automation technique saves much of the time for the SEO professionals in ascertaining the ranking of the website.  Google Rankings provides a simple tool.

Keyword Density:  This simply refers to the frequency your keywords appear on a particular page.  For every 100 words on your site your keywords should appear 3 – 5 times strategically within that page – especially at the beginning and end of your content.  Use this Analyzer to review pages on your site.

Site Map Generator: The tool instantaneously generates the sitemap of various sites. Site map submission to the search engines facilitates easy crawling by the spiders.

Traffic Estimator: This tool is meant to find out the number of visitors to the website during the specific time period. Alexa and Google webmaster tools are the free and trusted tools. Link building services bring a lot of traffic to the websites.

Keyword Density Tool: High and low keyword densities are not favorable to boost the rankings. Keyword density tools helps to maintain it at the optimum level.

Similarity Checker: Search engines ignore and even penalize sites that contain duplicate contents. Similarity checker helps to maintain a unique content in the site.

Meta Tag Generator: Meta descriptions are showed in the search engine results pages. The Meta Generator helps to create keywords and descriptions conforming to the character limits.

URL Rewriting Tool: Static URLs are search engine friendly. The tool creates static looking URL for each dynamic URL.

Keyword Generation

One of the most important factors in onsite optimization is the keyword research process. It is more than obvious that, in order for your keywords to be effective, they need to be closely related to the information on your site regarding products and/or services. Furthermore, your keywords or keywords phrases should be present in the content of your web site, either as words or as images.

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