
With 2012 fast approaching along with it comes new mobile marketing opportunities that your business should follow as you consider efforts to spread the word about your brand and products and services through mobile.  As mobile technology improves and the masses catch up with the advances, businesses should follow suit closely and observe their customers’ interests and behaviors regarding mobile phone trends and use.

Mobile Visitation Grew 200% 

2011 has been a breakout year for growth in mobile visitation.  It featured a steep rise in text messagingsmartphone purchases and mobile advertising. Corporate use of mobile websites grew 210 percent in the last 12 months!

Retailers have been particularly aggressive in pursuing mobile strategies this year, with 37 percent operating specially-tailored mobile websites (compared to 12 percent in 2010) according to Acquity Group.

What is unique about mobile marketing is a company’s ability to reach consumers when they are closest to buying.  Ask yourself… Are your customers more likely to leave their homes and their pantry in a storm to get a sub sandwich… or when they’ve been out running errands all day, missed lunch, and you send them a text with an offer for a half-price submarine sandwich — half a mile from you, the nearest sub shop?

When you have a functioning mobile website you can convert consumers.

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